Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Today, Stanley went to the ruin of the castle Branč, not far from Myjava. He had been there before, so this time he could show around our American and South African friends, who live in Australia and came to visit. Good times!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Yesterday, Stanley took a hike to Smolenický zámok. He walked through the forests and meadows in the area and then climbed over a hundred stairs to get to the top of the castle tower. There was great view of the area from the tower. Unfortunately, we forgot the camera so we don't have pictures :( Next time...

Monday, July 12, 2010

traveling central europe

Our Stanley has been busy since the end of the school year. First, he came to our wedding and he had so much fun.

After that, he traveled in Central Europe. First, he went to Český Krumlov to see the beautiful historic town in the south of the Czech Republic. He walked the streets of the town, visited the castle and the gardens, and climed to the top of the castle tower. He also saw the local brewery and tasted trdelník. On the way back home he stopped to see the castle in Jindřichův Hradec.

A few days later Stanley traveled to Krakow, Poland. He saw the biggest Medieval square in the world, the churches, the university where Copernicus studied hundreds of years ago, the Wawel castle and he was a bit afraid to see the Krakow dragon spitting fire. Last weekend, Stanley went to Hainburg, Austria and to the Devín castle.

How about your Stanley? Looking forward to reading more stories.